
Thursday, 8 August 2013

Messed up? Clean up!

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Pretty much everyone will make mistakes at work at some point in their life, and the worry can be devastating to some - especially those in the early stages of their career or particular job. I've heard from people who've even resorted to quitting their job, so it's worth taking action!

So if you're feeling super sheepish about returning to work after making a mistake, take these simple steps to resolve the matter easily.


Find your boss, as well as anyone affected by your mistake, and apologise. Be up front about your mistake and take the blame yourself - it lessens the chance of hard feelings and tension brewing after the incident. At the same time, be ready to absorb any consequences. Apologising doesn't ensure lack of punishment, but it most likely won't be as bad as if you'd ignored the matter.


Whatever your mistake, there's usually a solution. If you did it wrong, can you do it again, right? Can you change, re-do, back track? Find a solution, plan and check with your boss. You could perhaps aim to prepare this before you head in to apologise. It's easier to apologise if you already have the solution, and shows you understand what you did and are prepared to work to resolve the issue. 


You're probably going to want to act like you're in your first week again. Make sure you're on time. In fact, make sure you're early! And don't leave at 5pm on the dot - stay and finish whatever you're in the middle of. 
Dress smart, work hard, make the coffee! Show you're worth the hassle, basically.

What you shouldn't do is focus on the mistake. Don't brand yourself as a failure, don't fish for sympathy. If you tell someone something enough, they'll start to believe it! (A bit of advice I picked up from a women's magazine... don't tell your boyfriend you're fat, because he might not think it now, but he will if you drill it in to him! So don't let your boss do the same.) 

Also try not to focus on excuses. It can seem a little pathetic to an annoyed superior! 

Let us know any disasters you've had! 
Follow us on twitter at @essentialjobs 

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