
Friday 16 August 2013

Staying sane when your boss leaves

Following on from a point in yesterday’s blog post about leaving your job – what happens when your boss leaves? You’re naturally going to panic, wondering whether your own job is in jeopardy, but remember that your boss is just a person with a job, just like you! And it’s completely normal for people to change their mind about what they want to do or where they want to work. You’ll no doubt sense something in the air if there are problems at the top.

Don’t take the leave personally, no matter how great your relationship was. Your team may suffer, but ultimately your boss had to do what was best for them. Use your last times together to talk about any improvements they feel could be made, including any of your own weaknesses or areas you could do with improving on. Use this to show your new boss your potential, and enjoy the fresh start this new confidence can bring.

If you’re directly reporting to this member, you may feel a little lost at first. Your new boss may have a different attitude towards work, may like things done differently or in a certain way  - remember adjustments are only temporary and you’ll be fine in the end! 

If you’re in this situation, what issues are playing on your mind? Let us know on Facebook (/essentialrecruitment) or Twitter (@e33ential)

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